
Join the Team!

Review the volunteer requirements before signing up for orientation below.

** All orientations are posted on the 1st of every month! They fill up fast so be sure to check on the 1st! **

  • Volunteers must be 16-years and older.
  • Junior Volunteer (10-15) Orientation happens once a month
    • Must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • Volunteer must have access to an email to participate and need to commit to 6 hours a month.
  • Volunteers will need to complete an initial 2 hours of laundry and dishes before working with the animals.
  • There is a $25.00 fee for orientation.

How can I help?

THS needs volunteers who are long-term, self-motivated, mature, dependable, and animal advocates!

  • Sign up for orientation below if there are spots available!
  • Apply to volunteer at our Thrift Store!
  • Need school service hours? Learn more here!
  • We are currently not accepting community service candidates.
  • Donate, Foster, or Fundraise!

Get Involved

Sign Up For Orientation

All volunteers must attend an orientation. At orientation, you will learn about our volunteer program, the paw level system, and get a tour of the shelter. If orientation is full, check back on the 1st of next month. Scroll down for FAQs!


Current Volunteers

Volunteers can log hours remotely by following the link below! If you are not able to access your volunteer profile, please email Alyssa, the Volunteer Coordinator here.

Log Your Hours here!

Volunteer At Home

Need to complete service hours for school? Look over the projects you can work on at HOME! There are plenty of toys, blankets, or treats that you can create in the comfort of your own home to collect hours - while helping the animals! Or check out the KC Project for other ideas! Are you a Girl Scout or Eagle Scout? Look over projects your team can create here!

Volunteer at home!


When can I volunteer? - Whenever you have time! Our most successful volunteers find a day or two in their schedule to stop by THS weekly. However, we often lack volunteers on the weekends and during the afternoon on weekdays.

Can I walk dogs? - Yes! Once you attend orientation, volunteers first need to complete 5 hours of Paw Level 1 tasks such as laundry and dishes, and then you can get trained in animal care!

Can my group volunteer? - Group volunteer projects need to be scheduled in advance with our Volunteer Coordinator via email.

How can I volunteer? - Sign up for orientation on the first of the month when the date is posted through our website and pay the $25.00 fee online! Attendance is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Why can’t I volunteer one time? - We require volunteers to go through training to handle the animals. This takes a lot of time and resources to ensure new volunteers feel confident and comfortable working with the animals.

Do I need access to an email? - Yes! Our Volunteer Coordinator primarily communicates with volunteers through email to share new information going on around the shelter!

Lost and Found Pets

Whether you’ve lost your pet or found a stray, click here for a list of available resources to help you during this stressful time.

Lost and Found Pets

Hope and Recovery Pet (HARP) Program

The Hope and Recovery Pet (HARP) Program is a unique collaborative effort between ProMedica, the Toledo Humane Society, and the University of Toledo. HARP connects adults referred by area mental health providers with companion animals from THS to improve the lives of both.

Pet Foster Families

Our network of foster volunteers allows us to provide specialized care to more animals in need while also opening space at the shelter for more homeless pets.

Learn More
The Toledo Humane Society is making positive change for thousands of deserving animals each year.

Dylan Evalent